
Reflection Garden
Workington Town Council have created a special Reflection Garden in Vulcan Park.
The garden is an opportunity for the public to sponsor a charity rose bush in memory of a loved one.
There will be a memorial book inside the Community Centre on Princess Street at the edge of Vulcan Park, where you can write your own personal message.

Bee Happy Garden
Thanks to funding from Cumbria County Council we were able to create a 'Bee Happy Wildlife Garden in Vulcan Park.
The garden features many items to attract and provide shelter for insects and wildlife including bug hotels, hedgehog houses, pollinators friendly flowers, bird houses, feeders and baths and much more. We will be adding some sensory areas in the Spring when the area is ready for the public to enjoy.

Grow Well
Grow Well West Cumbria is a Community Interest Company with a small community garden based near the ‘Old Man Shelter’ in Vulcan Park. The group meet regularly to work on the garden, to socialise, and to learn new skills. Anyone can join the group and no experience is required. The group meet every Thursday from 10am to 12noon. For more details about the group, please contact: or visit their Facebook page.

Vulcan Park Wildflower Patch
Workington Town Council worked with Cumbria Wildlife Trust as part of the #GetCumbriaBuzzing project. More than 100 children and adults from the local community helped to plant 450 plugs and 1 kilo of wildflower seeds to create a large wildflora meadow in the middle of the park.
To learn more about #GetCumbriaBuzzing and how you can get involved in future projects check out the Cumbria Wildlife Trust website.

Since 2016 we have been working with Derwent Rotary and Workington Rotary to plant purple crocuses across the town, including Vulcan Park, in support of the Rotary International’s ‘Purple4Polio’ campaign. Purple4Polio is a campaign that fundraises for the eradication of polio and has contributed towards polio-endemic countries dropping from 125 to just three.