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Sustainable Development Committee

Workington Town Council is a consultee on all planning matters that affect Workington. The local planning authority is Cumberland Council. All planning applications are considered by the sustainable development committee. Workington Town Council comments, relating to these applications, can be found by viewing the appropriate minutes. Sustainable Development Committee meetings are open to members of the public; members of the public may be invited to speak about planning applications by invitation of the chair of the committee.


The Sustainable Development Committee is also responsible for coordinating the Council’s work with respect to any Community or Neighbourhood Plan or sustainability initiative, should the Council determine to pursue such a policy.


The Chair of the Development Committee is Cllr Sean Melton.

The Vice Chair is Cllr Dave Tennyson.


Other members of this committee are: Cllr Mary Bainbridge, Cllr Hilary Harrington, Cllr Bernadette Jones, Cllr Paul Larkin, Cllr Nath Martin, Cllr Mike Rollo, Cllr Kate Schofield and Cllr Neil Schofield.


Viewing from a mobile device will only show most recent documents. Please visit the desktop version of our website for an archive of agendas and minutes.

NEXT MEETING: Monday 16th September 2024 at 6pm.
Location: Workington Town Council Community Centre, Princess Street.
f you are interested in attending or speaking at one of our meetings, please read the information on our public participation
​page first. 

1 july 2024
meeting not quorate

Minutes to be added

20 MAY 2024

Minutes to be added

29 APRIL 2024 

8 APRIL 2024 

4 March 2024 

5 FEBRUARY 2024 

11 DECEMBER 2024 

6 NOVEMBER 2023 

9 OCTOBER 2023 

11 September 2023 

31 july 2023 

3 july 2023 

12 June 2023 

APRIL 2023

15 march 2023

8 february 2023

11 JANUARY 2023

12 OCTOBER 2022


14 DECEMBER 2022

14 September 2022

1 AUGUST 2022

4 juLY 2022
meeting NOT quorum
undertaken by town clerk & chair 

6 june 2022 -
meeting undertaken by town clerk & chair

9 may 2022 -
meeting not quorum

No Minutes

4 april 2022

For previous agendas and minutes, please visit the Planning committee archive page.

About Workington Town Council

Workington Town Council is the grassroots council for the civil parish of Workington.  It is served by 25 councillors drawn from the whole town community.  The Chairman of the Council is The Mayor of Workington.

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© 2024 Workington Town Council.  All rights reserved. 

Kye Hewetson

Dale Quinn

Bill Rowlandson

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