Open & Accountable Local Government
The Council endeavours to make all its documentation available to the public where possible. The Freedom of Information Act 2000 requires the council to publish a scheme explaining how the council makes this information available.
Workington Town Council Publications Scheme
Information is available from Workington Town Council under the model publication scheme. If you have any queries about any aspect of the council's work, its budgeting and expenditure, duties or activities, please contact the Proper Officer.
The Town Council's Standing Orders govern the way its meetings are run.
You are welcome to attend any Town Council Meetings that are held in public unless the meeting resolves that members of the press and public be excluded from a part. The reasons for exclusion are quite narrow and must be resolved beforehand.
You are welcome to film, video, photograph, record, commentate on by social media and publish, broadcast or otherwise disseminate council meetings. However it is your responsibility to ensure that you have the consent of any individuals not directly involved in the meeting e.g. members of the general public. You should obtain permission from a parent or guardian before taking any images/videos of children under 18 years of age. You must take care not to disrupt the meeting, as this would breach the council's Standing Orders and you may be required to leave.
Councillors, officers, public officials and members of the general public who take an active part in a meeting are deemed to have consented to their presence and image being published in any legal form. The council is not responsible for any publication, broadcast or otherwise dissemination of its meetings except when undertaking to do those things itself.
Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)
You can read the council's annual Accounting Statement and Governance Statements, along with the statutory notice by following the links below.
Notice of Public Rights of Inspection
Notice of Conclusion of Audit
External Auditor Certificate and Report
2022/23 (interim) 2022/23 (final)
Accounting and Governance Statement
You can read more about your rights at a council meeting in the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.
Local Government Transparency
Workington Town Council is committed to being open and transparent, providing non-sensitive data to the public in an accessible and reusable format. This information includes data that we are required to disclose under Local Government Transparency Code and, where applicable, will be updated on a monthly basis. Please note that our expenditure and budget information is located under the Finance and General Purposes Committee Agendas and Minutes.
(approved by Full Council on 24th January 2024)
(approved by Full Council on 29th January 2025)
Council data
Trade union facility time and spending - none to declare
Property Information
Financial Procurement
Expenditure exceeding £500
Grants to Voluntary Community Social Enterprises
Invitations to tender (exceeding £5000)