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Grants Policy

1. Introduction
The Council is committed, through this policy, to promote Workington and contribute to the development of projects and services that benefit the community. In doing so, the Council is aware of its responsibility for public funds and for managing the distribution of these funds.


1.1 Financial grants are awarded by the Environment Committee, Culture & Community Committee and Finance and General Purposes Committees according to the requirement of the funding.
1.2 Grants will be judged against clear and consistent criteria, and the successful applicants are required to adhere to a number of conditions set out in this policy.
1.3 The Council reserves the right to reclaim any grant not being used for the purpose specified on the application form.
1.4 All applications will be considered together on their individual merits. The final decision of assessment of applications and the level of any grant offered lies with the associated Committee.


2. Who can apply
2.1 To be eligible to apply for funding from the Council, the applicant must be able to provide and/or meet the following criteria:

a. Be a voluntary/not for profit/community group providing a service or activity for the benefit of the residents of Workington.
b. Have a constitution and can provide a copy with the application which is current and properly authorised.
c. Can provide 3 signatures on the application form from three different honorary members or responsible officers in the group.
d. A recent copy of your group’s latest bank statement showing activity during the recent three months for all accounts, bank details including account name, address and number and a copy of your organisations annual accounts.
e. Equality and/or Equal Opportunities policy (this policy may be contained within their constitution or other governing document).
f. Ensure appropriate insurance is in place for all events and services provided.
g. Employ Safeguarding Policies where required, and ensure all staff/volunteers working with children, young people and vulnerable adults have appropriate DBS criminal record checks.
h. Adhere to Health and Safety at Work Act, The Equalities Act and good practice standards as appropriate.


2.2 The Following are not eligible

a. Individuals, businesses for profit, political parties or religious groups*
(*unless the project can demonstrate its benefit to the wider community).

b. Projects that are the statutory responsibility of other authorities.
c. Grants will not be awarded for projects or services already delivered.


3. How to apply
3.1 Contact Council Officers to discuss your project on 01900 702986 or

3.2 If Officers believe that the Council can help with funding your project, you will be sent a form to complete. These details will then be passed onto the relevant committee for discussion.  

3.3 Applications must be made in the name of the organisation to which financial assistance is to be granted.
3.4 Applications made for a specific project must include one costing or two estimates with the competed form.
3.5 Applications will be acknowledged within 15 working days of receipt of completed forms. Applicants will be advised of the Committee and the date their application will be considered.

3.6 The Council will award funding at a figure it deems suitable not necessarily the figure that has been applied for.


4. Criteria
4.1 Applications will be considered against the following criteria:

a. Community development /public involvement
b. Support economic development, tourism or cultural activities
c. Provide services for young people, the elderly or vulnerable
d. Improve sport, physical activity, health and  social well-being
e. Improve the physical environment

4.2 Applicants will be informed in writing of the outcome of their application.
4.3 A signed copy of ‘Conditions of Funding’ must be returned before funding is paid.


5. Awarding
5.1 Funding will be paid by BACS. Please note that the Council will not make payments to individuals and the payment
must be made to a bank account in the name of the organisation applying for the funding. 


6. Monitoring and Evaluation
6.1 All successful applicants will provide a project monitoring report within six months of the end of the financial year. This must be submitted with any appropriate receipts.
6.2 For all funding in excess of £2,000 the organisation is obliged to provide a ‘statement in writing of the use to which that amount has been put’ within 12 months of the date the funding was awarded (item 1 (b), of section 137A, Local Government Act 1972).
6.3 In the event that the funding is not spent or the Council feels the conditions of funding have not been met, the grant or any remaining monies must be returned to the Council.
6.4 If for any reason the organisation disband during the period of the funding the Council may ask for all or part of the monies to be paid back.


7. Transparency and Publicity
7.1 The Council will report annually on the total spends on funding and list the groups in receipt of a grant and the use made of the grants.
7.2 Organisations receiving Town Council funding must acknowledge the Council in any relevant publicity, annual report, posters and advertising.
7.3 The Council may publicise funding awards and details of project achievements in Council publications and the local press.

About Workington Town Council

Workington Town Council is the grassroots council for the civil parish of Workington.  It is served by 25 councillors drawn from the whole town community.  The Chair of the Council is The Mayor of Workington.

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