Environment Committee
The Environment Committee’s aim is to produce the best environment for the residents of Workington. This includes maintaining some of the town's parks, open spaces and planted features, managing allotment sites and the restoration of back lanes (in liaison with Cumberland Council). The Committee also works alongside Cumberland Council to deliver the Workington Nature Partnership. The partnership oversees the conservation of designated landscapes and nature reserves and promotes and enables outdoor learning with the local community.
The Environment Committee oversees the Workington in Bloom Working Group, to authorise funding for entries and prepare Workington’s application into the Cumbria in Bloom competition.
The Environment Committee oversees the Allotments working group.
The Chair of the Committee sits on the Nature Partnership Steering Group, along with the Chief Officer.
​The Chair of the Environment Committee is Cllr Michael Heaslip.
The Vice Chair is Cllr Bernadette Jones.
Other members of this committee are: Cllr Mary Bainbridge, Cllr Beth Dixon, Cllr Sue Fryer, Cllr Hilary Harrington, Cllr Susan Martin, Cllr Sean Melton, Cllr Tricia Poole and Cllr John Mills.
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