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Workington Town Council is mostly financed by a precept on the council tax. You can see how the council is spending this income by viewing the supporting documents to Finance and General Purposes Committee meetings. Additional income comes from rents on Council-owned land (mostly allotments and some very limited parking spaces), grants from charitable funds such as the lottery, and fees from the Council's events.

The precept for 2023-24 is £95.47 if you have a Band D property. You can read more about how the Council Tax on your property is calculated and distributed at on Cumberland Council's website - click here

The Finance and General Purposes Committee oversees the council's finances and governance arrangements, and is responsible for ensuring good guardianship of the council's assets.

About Workington Town Council

Workington Town Council is the grassroots council for the civil parish of Workington.  It is served by 25 councillors drawn from the whole town community.  The Chairman of the Council is The Mayor of Workington.

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© 2024 Workington Town Council.  All rights reserved. 

Kye Hewetson

Dale Quinn

Bill Rowlandson

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