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Contact Us

Contact us for queries relating to allotments, Christmas lights, events, play areas and Remembrance parades.  For all other matters, please visit our 'which council does what' page to establish the correct council to contact.


Workington Town Council's office hours are:

Monday - Friday 9am-5pm


Please contact us at:

01900 702986.


To report a fault on council property outside office hours, please call 01900 702980.


Workington Town Council 

Workington Town Council Community Centre

Princess Street



CA14 2QG



Are you contacting the right council?

Check out our 'which council does what' page to make sure you are contacting the right council.


Thanks for getting in touch. One of the Office Team will be in touch shortly.

About Workington Town Council

Workington Town Council is the grassroots council for the civil parish of Workington.  It is served by 25 councillors drawn from the whole town community.  The Chairman of the Council is The Mayor of Workington.

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© 2024 Workington Town Council.  All rights reserved. 

Kye Hewetson

Dale Quinn

Bill Rowlandson

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