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Our Community

Our community is at the heart of everything we do. We are a non-political council and our Councillors and 

staff work together for the good of the community.


We work with many groups and organisations within the town covering a variety of different aspects of working together, these include:

  • Offering grants and funding for their own projects

  • Offering support, advice and guidance on concerning matters

  • Providing free community events across all wards for everyone to enjoy

  • Improving the look and overall environment of the town

  • Managing the Christmas lights throughout the town

  • Running community consultation sessions to hear their voice

  • Providing allotments sites, play areas and public open spaces

  • Providing a community centre for multiple uses 

  • Providing Workington Nature Partnership along with Cumberland Council. 

  • Plus many more.


Feel free to get in touch if you would like to discuss anything with us. 



About Workington Town Council

Workington Town Council is the grassroots council for the civil parish of Workington.  It is served by 25 councillors drawn from the whole town community.  The Chairman of the Council is The Mayor of Workington.

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© 2024 Workington Town Council.  All rights reserved. 

Kye Hewetson

Dale Quinn

Bill Rowlandson

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