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Code of Conduct & Standards

All Workington Town Councillors must abide by the Town Council's Code of Conduct. The current version has been in operation since August 2023. 


Breaches of the Code of Conduct are assessed by the Monitoring Officer at Cumberland Council. The Monitoring Officer is aided by a Standards Committee and an Independent person. It is their statutory duty to oversee the standards regimes of every parish council in the Cumberland area. You can read more about this process, and how to complain about a Town Councillor, on Cumberland Council's website


When a breach of the Code is alleged, the Monitoring Officer will assess whether an issue can be resolved informally, or will require an investigation followed by consideration by the Standards Committee. 


Workington Town Council standing orders - approved August 2023

Workington Town Council Terms of Reference for Committees - approved May 2023


About Workington Town Council

Workington Town Council is the grassroots council for the civil parish of Workington.  It is served by 25 councillors drawn from the whole town community.  The Chairman of the Council is The Mayor of Workington.

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© 2024 Workington Town Council.  All rights reserved. 

Kye Hewetson

Dale Quinn

Bill Rowlandson

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